April 16, 2009
DescriptionThe class aim was to identify the parts of a story and its mains characteristics in a written version of the King Arthur's story by using the short story writing rubrics designed for the project. The lesson was was planned for a period of 90 minutes. They perfomed a brainstorming to activate schemata by completing a T chart on the board. Then some key words were taught by a relay race. students also used the pictures to predict what the text was about and finally read the story, did the exercises and evaluate it taking into account the short story writng rubrics designed for the project.
ConditionsThe class was developed in normal conditions. All the activities planned were developed.
Preliminay observationStudents enjoyed the relay race done at the beginning of the class and it was really helful to provide them with the key words used in the reading. They understood the story and could evaluate it following the rubrics.
Reflection This lesson was successful since the aim was achieved. The reading was appropriate for the students, they could develop the activities. Now, they are aware of the story elements and also know the instrument and the aspects that are going to be taken into account to assess the stories during the process.
April 21
DescriptionThe class was devoted to identify written text and short story genres. Students analyze a fairy tale based on the short story elements. Finally, they chose the type of story they would like to create.
ConditionsThe class was developed in normal conditions, the lesson was carried out following the plan and students could work without any problems.
Preliminary observation
Ss. had some problems during the warming up to categorize the written text during the warm up. It was necessary to help them with an extra explanation. Students could identify easily the short story elements in the Three little pig story.
Ss. enjoyed listening the audio clips and identifying the different short story genres .
The final product could be collected with the general information about students’ stories.
ReflectionThe genre- based approach allowed students to learn about different written patterns and specifically they reviewed the elements of short stories and began to think about the story they are going to write. The whole class was devoted to give a general idea of the complete process and students started to travel around their thoughts.
April 23 and 24
There was not class in the school.
April 28
Today the class was planned to be developed in the computer room since students had to create their e-portfolios In their own web page.
The class couldn’t be taught as it was planned since the computer room was in maintenance so I had to take the students to another computer room where only a computer had internet connection. They received the tutorial in small groups and jut one student per group had the possibility to create their portfolios. They also received a handout with the directions to create the web page to do it at home.
Preliminary observation
Some students were worried because they are not sure they can create the e-portfolios by themselves but some others were exciting about having their own web page and they expressed their desire of continuing with the project in spite of the technical issues. They also compromised to help each other to have all the web pages ready for next class.
The AR was thought to be developed in the LRC taking into account this project was approved last year and it was promised that the center will be ready for April, 2009. Unfortunately, it has not been possible due to administrative issues so I have had to look for other computer rooms in the school to carry out my research but it has not been easy due to not all of them have internet connection or are available.
Class today was not taught as I planned it since technical issues are very common to happen in my school. The computer room that I had booked was not available today because it was in maintenance and nobody told me in advance. I had to apply Plan B but the class could not be developed as I planned and the final product could not be collected. Students received a general tutorial in a computer and the directions to create the web page and upload the e-portfolio sections were sent by e-mail. They had to do the activity at home and e-mail me back.
April 30
Today the class was developed following the lesson planned. The aim was that students applied the stages to write a descriptive paragraph. The final product was to describe the main character of their own stories. For next class they have to fill out the same form for each one of their characters.
The class began 10 minutes later, students spent more time doing the activities so the final activity could not be done. The class was developed in normal conditions, four students were absent.
Preliminary observation
At the beginning of the class, student, in general, did not know too many words to describe people so the workshop provided them with the necessary vocabulary to describe their characters. The time was not enough to develop all the planned activities. It was not possible to assess their paragraphs so it is going to be the first activity next class.
The activities following the writing stages were useful to prepare them to write. They had the opportunity to deal with different pre-writing strategies such as brainstorming and clustering ideas (physical characteristics, personality, likes/dislikes), word mapping, drawing pictures. Then the information and the models given were used to write the first draft of their main character’s description. They produced their text without paying attention for the correctness. The results are going to be assessed next class.